Tuesday, August 30, 2005

From UT to WY to CO

I left Salt Lake City at 9:15 am. I decided to take I-80 anyway since both AAA's TripTik and MapQuest both show the same route, so it might be a safer route. It started going between mountains and the curves are kinda tight for the speed limit, which is already down to 55 mph. However, after going over a rise, you see Lambs Canyon, which is a beautiful sight.

A lake or reservoir east of Salt Lake City. more pics

It's a fairly quiet drive. Mostly flat, especially in Wyoming. Actually, so flat that you could see the road go straight down a valley then straight back up for probably 20 miles. And you could see light blue mountains in the distance behind the dark blue mountains, which were still pretty far away.

There are no trees, just bushes. And some fields have a structures that look like fences. Actually, they look like 2-by-4's that are nailed parallel to each other, with some gap between each other. Then that "fence" is propped up with more 2-by-4's like an easel. So the fence is slanted about 60 degrees from the ground. They're propped up next to each other, but not always in a straight line. Sometimes, they're form curves. They're not parallel to the highway either. They don't enclose anything. Some rows overlap each other. I have no idea what they are for.

Close to Cheyenne, I stopped at a rest area with a large sculpture of Lincoln's head.

Lincoln at a rest area in Wyoming. more pics

From Cheyenne, I took I-25 South to Denver. There's a lot of traffic! The first thing I noticed about Denver is how strange the drivers are. When the posted speed limit is 55 mph, they drive 70. when the posted speed limit is 75 mph, they still drive 70.

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